Download subtitles for Leap.Year.2010.720p.BluRay[CinaviaFree] from the below link
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Kumar Vishwas on Kabir
मैं इसलिए कष्ट में नहीं हूँ कि नींद नहीं आ रही बल्कि इसलिए कष्ट में हूँ कि किसी भी तरह तुम्हें "जगा" नहीं पा रहा.😧
"सुखिया सब संसार है खावै अरु सोवै,
दुखिया दास कबीर है,जागै अरु रोवै.!"
"सुखिया सब संसार है खावै अरु सोवै,
दुखिया दास कबीर है,जागै अरु रोवै.!"
The.Blacklist.S04E08.HDTV.x264-KILLERS[ettv] Subtitle
Download English subtitle for The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 8 (The.Blacklist.S04E08.HDTV.x264-KILLERS[ettv]) from the link below
Comment if it helped. :)
Comment if it helped. :)
Monday, March 27, 2017
Why do fights happen in relationship?
Fights in relationships are often caused by differences in the expectations of how the relationship should look.
Think about this: How could you get in a fight if you did not expect anything from your partner?
There would just be no way. If you do not have any expectation then your partner can do whatever they want and you will not be aggravated by it in the slightest.
The problem is that as soon as we see a person that we could consider as a partner we have certain expectations. Our first impression alone is enough to expect a certain character out of them, which they may or may not fulfill.
This only gets worse once the relationship starts and you expect your partner to make you happy, to love you, cherish you, and give you everything you want.
Most of us are obsessed with ourselves. Everything we do is for the sake of us.
This does not change with relationships, but the problem is that we demand the other person to take care of us as well.
Now… what do you think happens when both partners think that way?
As soon as one of the two doesn’t provide with what is expected of them, the other partner goes into an argument and a fight ensues.
If I expect you to put the ketchup bottle in the right cupboard and you do not do it I might get a bit upset, but it wouldn’t be anything big enough to cause a fight.
Instead I will deal with it, I will not tell you my expectations and just expect you to remember next time.
Of course you wouldn’t know at that point and would just keep putting the ketchup in the wrong cupboard.
The problem is that it is not only the ketchup…
There are dozens of things you might do that I expect to be done differently, but since they are all so small I will not say anything.
Sooner or later, the pot is going to boil over and fights begin.
But all of this starts with the expectations I have of you!
If you want to avoid fights with your significant other then take responsibility for your own life and expect nothing of your partner and give nothing that is expected of you!
Make yourself happy first and lead a happy life by taking care of it all yourself.
Then give to your partner because you chose to not because it is expected of you.
Doing these two things will avoid the vast majority of all fights and arguments, if not all of them.
It is not your partners job to make you happy. Period.
They can make you happier but they are in no way responsible to make you happy.
Remember that they are their own person, living their own life, with their own worries, fears, doubts, moments of joy and life goals, and understand then that they might not remember to put the ketchup in the cupboard you want it to be in.
Stop being less than you can be and reach your goals. Send me a message saying "Coaching" to work 1 to 1 with me.
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Leap Year (2010) Movie Review
Leap Year is a nice romantic movie starring Amy Adams and Matthew Goode. Enough said. Don't expect any earth shattering love story but a decent one which is hard to find these days in Hollywood.
Comment if it helped. :)
Comment if it helped. :)
Friday, March 24, 2017
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act Amendment
1. Contributions made by the Indian companies with foreign holding up to the prescribed limit as per extant FDI policy will not be treated as foreign contribution retrospectively from September 2010.
The government has admitted that the amended Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), 2010, which they brought in through the Finance Bill route, will not only help foreign-origin companies to fund NGOs here but has also cleared the way for them to give “donations to political parties.”
Kiren Rijiju's Opinion:
Minister of State (Home) Kiren Rijiju told The Hindu that the amendment, which was cleared by the Lok Sabha in the recently concluded Budget session, will ensure that “donations made by such [foreign shareholding] companies to entities including political parties will not attract provisions of the FCRA, 2010.”
Does this mean the government has changed its opinion on what it sees as foreign conspiracy to derail our democracy? Especially with regard to NGOs who do not toe government line on issues.
1. Contributions made by the Indian companies with foreign holding up to the prescribed limit as per extant FDI policy will not be treated as foreign contribution retrospectively from September 2010.
The government has admitted that the amended Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), 2010, which they brought in through the Finance Bill route, will not only help foreign-origin companies to fund NGOs here but has also cleared the way for them to give “donations to political parties.”
Kiren Rijiju's Opinion:
Minister of State (Home) Kiren Rijiju told The Hindu that the amendment, which was cleared by the Lok Sabha in the recently concluded Budget session, will ensure that “donations made by such [foreign shareholding] companies to entities including political parties will not attract provisions of the FCRA, 2010.”
Does this mean the government has changed its opinion on what it sees as foreign conspiracy to derail our democracy? Especially with regard to NGOs who do not toe government line on issues.
Electoral bonds
Electoral bond can be purchased by any donor only by cheque or electronic payment, only at authorised banks. You can donate these bonds only to a political party. These are redeemable in only one account of that party, registered with the Election Commission.
Donor gets tax benefits.
Further government has removed previous limitation of 7.5% of profits to donate to political parties.
Mr Jaitley's opinion:
The advantage of the electoral bond system over donations through cheques, Mr Jaitley said, was that many donors expressed reluctance to use cheques because it becomes transparent and leads to political vendetta by rivals. The other reason that donors did not want their names to be known was that, following the donation, if they legitimately win a contract, then they open themselves up to suspicion of benefiting from a quid pro quo arrangement with the party in power.
Electoral bond can be purchased by any donor only by cheque or electronic payment, only at authorised banks. You can donate these bonds only to a political party. These are redeemable in only one account of that party, registered with the Election Commission.
Donor gets tax benefits.
Further government has removed previous limitation of 7.5% of profits to donate to political parties.
Mr Jaitley's opinion:
The advantage of the electoral bond system over donations through cheques, Mr Jaitley said, was that many donors expressed reluctance to use cheques because it becomes transparent and leads to political vendetta by rivals. The other reason that donors did not want their names to be known was that, following the donation, if they legitimately win a contract, then they open themselves up to suspicion of benefiting from a quid pro quo arrangement with the party in power.
system is a multi-party democracy. You will have a cost of parties, and
cost of running elections,” Mr Jaitley said. “And parties do not
conduct business. So they raise donations. The question is how do they
do this in a transparent manner.”
How does electoral bond create a transparent system of political donation when who purchased the electoral bonds and contributed to which party is not available in public domain? Instead the task of maintaining secrecy of political donations has been transferred to banks from political parties?
It seems political parties are more concerned with maintaining secrecy of donors than revealing to public their actual sources of contribution.
Further now irrespective of profit earned companies can donate to political parties any amount. Now the company does not have electoral representation in democracy, then why should it fund political representatives? Wouldn't it be better that political parties who are supposed to work for the benefit of people only raise money through people personally?
Further now irrespective of profit earned companies can donate to political parties any amount. Now the company does not have electoral representation in democracy, then why should it fund political representatives? Wouldn't it be better that political parties who are supposed to work for the benefit of people only raise money through people personally?
What are the top bad habits to stop immediately or I'll regret big time later in life?
What are the top bad habits to stop immediately or I'll regret big time later in life?
1. Watching TV - If you think all you’re doing by watching TV is waste time you are turning away from the bigger problem. You can waste time in a lot of different ways but watching TV is by far the worst.
The reason for it are the advertisments and shows they show. In every advertisment you are lead to belive that you are worth less until you buy their product and every TV show shows you people being happy, fun and getting everything they want, desiring you to be like them. This leads you to feel and think of yourself as anything but perfect and good enough because you always compare to those people that you can never be like!
Instead read a book, go outside, entertain yourself with friends, go on a date, play a sport, or waste time just sitting in your room alone. Throw out this box that gets you more interested in lives other than your own and makes your own life never seem good enough.
2. Pleasing everybody - When my parents first started to argue and to fight I was always trying to protect my younger brothers. I was both the person my parents came to talk to as well as my brothers and I tried to make make the fighting between my parents smaller whilst keeping my brothers out of the picture, leaving me to try to please everyone.
It was only a decade later I realized that I wasn’t helping anyone, was only hurting myself and I had a lot to deal with later in my life because of it. Pleasing others is just adding more weight to your own cart, which is heavy enough as it is.
Instead please the people you want to please without ever considering whether you should or have to. Give only because you chose to.
3. Abusing your body - Alcohol, tabacco, sugars, and drugs are all bad for you, but you know that already. This is nothing new yet we continue to abuse our body for the instant pleasures those substances give.
All the endorphins and hormones that give us that next fix and let us forget about the negativity of the world for just a second at the cost of our own health. Keep telling yourself it is not that bad, ignore everyone telling you to be healthier and live a short life of simple pleasures rather than a long one of amazing pleasures.
Instead just reduce your consumption for the special times. Keep your consumption low and controlled so it enables you to live life by your means, not by your bodies means later on.
4. Brushing off responsibility - It is a thousand times easier to brush off all the responsibility and give it to others. That is why you listen to your parents, why you trust your teachers every word, and why your friends always seem smarter than you.
Listen to their advice, live the life they give you, and watch everyone run away with their tail between their legs when things go bad. As long as things turn out well they told you to do it that way and want to be rewarded. But as soon as things turn bad it is your fault and you should have known better.
Take responsibility for your own life! Every one of your actions has a consequence, good or bad, and you are responsible for it. No one can die for you at the end. If you have to take responsibility for your death then you might as well take it for life as well!
5. Reacting instead of Acting - React to your friends invitations, react to your parents pleas, react to the world around you and do as your told.
That is how most people would like you: a reactive machine that doesn’t do anything on its own. Keep reacting and hoping that other people will act on your desires for you and you will do barely more than existing.
But act and you will live! Find out what you want and then ACT on it. No one knows what you want, and if you keep waiting for an opportunity to magically appear or luck to strike you in the face you will gambling with your entire life. Instead take the cards in your own hand and deal yourself the hand you want!
Stop being less than you can be and reach your goals. Send me a message saying "Coaching" and get a chance to work 1 to 1 with me. Lukas Schwekendiek
P.S> All credit to the author of the answer Mr. Lukas Schwekendiek
Sunday, March 19, 2017
अहंकार कब कर सकते हैं
खेलत मैं को काको गुसैयाँ ।
हरि हारे जीते श्रीदामा, बरबसहीं कत करत रिसैयाँ ॥
जात-पाँति हम ते बड़ नाहीं, नाहीं बसत तुम्हारी छैयाँ ।
अति धिकार जनावत यातैं, जातैं अधिक तुम्हारैं गैयाँ !
रुहठि करै तासौं को खेलै, रहे बैठि जहँ-तहँ सब ग्वैयाँ ॥
सूरदास प्रभु खेल्यौइ चाहत, दाउँ दियौ करि नंद-दहैयाँ ॥
हरि हारे जीते श्रीदामा, बरबसहीं कत करत रिसैयाँ ॥
जात-पाँति हम ते बड़ नाहीं, नाहीं बसत तुम्हारी छैयाँ ।
अति धिकार जनावत यातैं, जातैं अधिक तुम्हारैं गैयाँ !
रुहठि करै तासौं को खेलै, रहे बैठि जहँ-तहँ सब ग्वैयाँ ॥
सूरदास प्रभु खेल्यौइ चाहत, दाउँ दियौ करि नंद-दहैयाँ ॥
भावार्थ :-- (सखाओं ने कहा-) `श्याम! खेलने में कौन किसका स्वामी है (तुम व्रजराज के लाड़िले हो तो क्या हो गया ) । तुम हार गये हो और श्रीदामा जीत गये हैं, फिर झूठ-मूठ झगड़ा करते हो ? जाति-पाँति तुम्हारी हम से बड़ी नहीं है (तुम भी गोप ही हो) ओर हम तुम्हारी छाया के नीचे (तुम्हारे अधिकार एवं संरक्षण में) बसते भी नहीं हैं । तुम अत्यन्त अधिकार इसीलिये तो दिखलाते हो कि तुम्हारे घर (हम सब से) अधिक गाएँ हैं ! जो रूठने-रुठाने का काम करे, उसके साथ कौन खेले ।' (यह कहकर) सब साथी जहाँ-तहाँ खेल छोड़कर बैठ गये । सूरदास जी कहते हैं कि मेरे स्वामी तो खेलना ही चाहते थे, इसलिये नन्दबाबा की शपथ खाकर (कि बाबा की शपथ मैं फिर ऐसा झगड़ा नहीं करूँगा ) दाव दे दिया ।
कितना प्रेम हैं एक भक्त का अपने आराध्य से |
Saturday, March 18, 2017
एक बात समझ नहीं आती
पत्नी पति पर एकाधिकार क्यों करना चाहती हैं ?
प्रेम में अधिकार जाताना अलग बात है और एकाधिकार करना अलग बात है |
हर समय एकाधिकार करना पति पत्नी रिश्ता खराब करता है|
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
To an egoistic person : Worth in life
I am at this stage in my life because of my efforts.
You are at some stage in life because of your parents. Truth is harsh but needs to be said.
In no way do I claim I have achieved everything in life. I have to go the distance but I merely want to highlight You haven't even started your journey in life.
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Understanding EVM
Mayawati in a press conference has cast doubts that EVMs have been managed in favour of ruling party BJP.
Why use EVMs?
EVMs are used because
What does the election commission do to prevent tampering of EVMs?
First Level Check
First Level check is done before candidate list is finalized. First level check involves clearing of earlier poll data from EVMs, visual inspection of Control and Ballot Unit, conducting mock polls, Demonstration of printout of result, sealing of control unit with pink seal (Detailed explanation below)
Once candidate list is finalized again EVMs are prepared with similar process as First Level check.
Conducting Mock Polls:
For each EVM votes are casted against all 16 candidates observing the result and then clearing mock poll data to the satisfaction of representatives of candidate who do the mock poll themselves.
Signature of representatives of candidate is registered as a token of having done mock poll themselves.
Further Atleast 1000 mock votes are polled in 10% of the EVMs in mock polling.
Pink paper seal applied for first level check (same process done before candidate list is finalized) is not damaged during the mock poll to ensure control unit of EVM is not tampered with.
Demonstration of Results of mock polling :
A printout of the results of mock poll as well as a sequential print out of every vote polled during the mock poll is taken out for at least 10% of EVMs and shown to the representatives of political parties.
Representatives of candidates are allowed to pick machines randomly for this purpose.
Signatures of representatives of candidates is registered as a token of having seen the print out and confirm that there is no discrepancy between the votes polled during the mock poll and results in the print out.
Sealing of Ballot Unit and after mock polling:
Ballot units are sealed with special pink paper seal supplied by India security press, Nasik in the presence of representatives of candidates allowing representatives to sign the seal and note down the serial number of pink seal. Again a register to note serial number of pink seal and unique id of ballot unit.
Photo copies of this register is given free of cost to all candidates once preparation is over.
Thus the EVMs go through 2 checks in presence of all political party representatives with their consent to ensure there is no malfunctioning of EVMs.
Why use EVMs?
EVMs are used because
- They save costs of production and printing ballot paper
- Cost of transportation and storage of ballot paper
- Substantial reduction in requirement of counting staff and corresponding savings in remuneration paid
- EVMs allow for faster counting
- EVMs prevent invalid votes from being cast as the person has to only press the blue button against the candidate instead of stamping a ballot paper properly and folding the ballot paper horizontally and vertically.
- EVMs are found easier to use than ballot paper by illiterate people
What does the election commission do to prevent tampering of EVMs?
First Level Check
First Level check is done before candidate list is finalized. First level check involves clearing of earlier poll data from EVMs, visual inspection of Control and Ballot Unit, conducting mock polls, Demonstration of printout of result, sealing of control unit with pink seal (Detailed explanation below)
Once candidate list is finalized again EVMs are prepared with similar process as First Level check.
Conducting Mock Polls:
For each EVM votes are casted against all 16 candidates observing the result and then clearing mock poll data to the satisfaction of representatives of candidate who do the mock poll themselves.
Signature of representatives of candidate is registered as a token of having done mock poll themselves.
Further Atleast 1000 mock votes are polled in 10% of the EVMs in mock polling.
Pink paper seal applied for first level check (same process done before candidate list is finalized) is not damaged during the mock poll to ensure control unit of EVM is not tampered with.
Demonstration of Results of mock polling :
A printout of the results of mock poll as well as a sequential print out of every vote polled during the mock poll is taken out for at least 10% of EVMs and shown to the representatives of political parties.
Representatives of candidates are allowed to pick machines randomly for this purpose.
Signatures of representatives of candidates is registered as a token of having seen the print out and confirm that there is no discrepancy between the votes polled during the mock poll and results in the print out.
Sealing of Ballot Unit and after mock polling:
Ballot units are sealed with special pink paper seal supplied by India security press, Nasik in the presence of representatives of candidates allowing representatives to sign the seal and note down the serial number of pink seal. Again a register to note serial number of pink seal and unique id of ballot unit.
Photo copies of this register is given free of cost to all candidates once preparation is over.
Thus the EVMs go through 2 checks in presence of all political party representatives with their consent to ensure there is no malfunctioning of EVMs.
Friday, March 10, 2017
क्या अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी सम्पूर्ण हैं ? Is Freedom of speech absolute?
अनुपम खेर और कपिल मिश्रा का भाषण जयपुर साहित्य त्यौहार पर
In his speech, Anupam Kher said the following
What is important is sense of responsibility. What am I doing?
आप घर में बोल सकते हैं ****** ? जो रूल आप घर में इस्तेमाल करते हैं वो देश पर करिए तो मानूँगा मैं आपको |
आप घर पे पिताजी को बोल सकते हैं - ऐ झापड़ मरूँगा ? बोल सकते हैं क्या ? नहीं बोल सकते | मगर यहाँ प्रधान मन्त्री को गाली दे सकते हैं - coward हैं | pyschopath हैं |
Kapil Misra came next and argued as follows
सबसे पहले तो अनुपम जी ने कहा अपने पापा के सामने ****** नहीं बोल सकते | मैंने कहा भाई साहब पापा को मैंने वोट दे के थोड़ी ना पापा बनाया हैं (Anupam Kher nods). पापा कोई manifesto लेकर थोड़ी आयें थे |
पापा ने ये थोड़ी कहा था की पड़ोस का गुंडा तेरे को एक थप्पड़ मारेगा तो मैं उसे दस थप्पड़ मरूँगा | उसके बाद पड़ोस के गुंडे के साथ चाशनी थोड़ी खा रहे हैं मेरे पापा | अगर खाते पड़ोस के घर में जाके केक तो अपने पापा को भी coward बोलता (Anupam Kher smiles)
अगर मेरे पापा कहते तेरी स्कूल की फीस बाद में दूँगा पहले मेरे साथ सेल्फी खिंचा ले | तो मैं कहता तुम pyschopath हो कोई problem हैं तुम में |
और एक बात कहना चाहता हूँ मैं, भैय्या मन की बात एक ही आदमी कर सकता हैं क्या इस देश में ? हम सब कर सकते हैं अपने मन की बात |
हमें छूट मिलनी चाहिए मन की बात करने की मैं अपने ट्वीटर पे क्या लिखूंगा - ये नेता थोड़ी बताएँगे | संसद में बैठ के कानून बना दिया - कानून होना चाहिए | कानून होना चाहिए | कानून होना चाहिए |
मैं आपको एक बात कहना चाहता हूँ | ये हिंदुस्तान ये भारत का देश इसकी धर्म और संस्कृति के ठेकेदार जो बने हुए हैं ना उनको कुछ नहीं पता हमारे धर्म के बारे में |
हमने तोह दैत्यों के गुरु शुक्राचार्य को भी गुरु की उपाधि दी थी (हाथ जोड़ कर) | हमने कहा चारवाक जो हमारी संस्कृति हमारी फिलोसोफी के बिलकुल अगेंस्ट - consumerism और materialism की बात करते थे उनको भी हमने बोला महर्षि चारवाक हैं |
कबीर बनारस के घाट पे पंडों के बीच में, पुजारियों के बीच में खड़े होकर बोलते हैं
" पाथर पूजे हरी मिले तोह मैं पुजू पहाड़"
और उसके बाद भी कोई उन्हें कुछ नहीं बोलता
मुग़लों के राज में वह फ़क़ीर खड़ा होकर कहता हैं
काकर पाथर जोड़ के मस्जिद बनाये। ताचाडी मुल्ला बाँध दे क्या बेहरा हुआ खुदाय
उसके बाद भी कोई उन्हें यह नहीं कहता - कबीर को कोई यह नहीं कहता | तुम पाकिस्तान चले जाओ | नक्सलवादी हो | जंगली हो | पाकिस्तानी हो | कोई ये नहीं कहता |
हिन्दुस्तान के अंदर ये जो शुरुआत हैं नाह Freedom of Expression को रोकने की ये इंदिरा गाँधी ने शुरू की | उन्होंने कहा ये कलाकारों ने, आर्टिस्ट ने साहित्यकार ने रिपोर्टर ने मिलकर हमारी सत्ता पलट दी | तोह उन्होंने लॉबिंग शुरू कर दी | R.K. Dhawan जैसे लोग मोरारजी देसाई से बड़े लोग बन गए | वही हो रहा था Congress की इंदिरा में जो मोदी जी की भाजपा में आज दिखाई दे रहा हैं | लेकिन एक बात हैं अगर वोह लॉबिंग वो networking शुरू नहीं होता तो शायद आज सुहेल सेठ जैसे लोग मेरे साथ मंच पर नहीं बैठे होते |
मैं ये बात कहना चाहता हूँ | बड़े खुल के कहना चाहता हूँ | हिंदुस्तान का यंग पॉलिटिशियन हूँ - आम आदमी पार्टी हैं | मेरे नेता को तो तुम शाइ भी फ़ेंक दो, गाली भी दे दो पत्थर भी मार दो, कोई तुम्हारे घर पे पत्थर मारने नहीं जाता (अनुपम खेर हंस रहे हैं) कोई तुम्हारे घर पे पत्थर मारने नहीं जाता |
आप केजरीवाल को खुजलीवाल बोलो दिन में दस बार बोलो कुछ भी बोलो लेकिन जब में मोदी को फेंकू बोलूंगा जब मैं राहुल को पप्पू बोलूंगा तो मुझे उसकी छूट होगी | आप मोदी मोदी चिल्लाओ | यह छूट हैं इसके लिए आपको जेल में थोड़ी दाल देंगे | क्यों डालेंगे जेल में भाई पूरी छूट होनी चाहिये इस देश के अंदर ये हिंदुस्तान हैं (Crowd in the background chanting Modi Modi) मैं इतना ही कहना चाहता हूँ इस देश में मन की बात मोदी भी करेंगे मन की बात हम भी करेंगे जिसको रोकना हैं रोक ले |
The people we select
Raghubar Das Jharkhand CM insulted a father who came to him to plead for investigating the death of his daughter.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Mr. Ram Jethmalani V/S Mr. Arun Jaitley
Mr. Ram Jethmalani V/S Mr. Arun Jaitley
First question should be unexpected

Analysing irreversible Damage

Putting the same question in different way(s)

Monday, March 6, 2017
Calculating effective weight of courier package
Courier considers 2 weights and takes whichever value is bigger
1. Actual weight
2. Volume weight
Volume weight = length * breadth * height (all in inches) / 1728 (For non metro transport)
1. Actual weight
2. Volume weight
Volume weight = length * breadth * height (all in inches) / 1728 (For non metro transport)
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Updating Android Studio
So the other day My android studio had some updates but was unable to install asking me to run it with administrator privileges.
The best solution to the problem is to change the ownership to curent user.Just execute the below command in terminal.
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /opt/android-studio
The best solution to the problem is to change the ownership to curent user.Just execute the below command in terminal.
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /opt/android-studio
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