Saturday, August 24, 2013

A good parody

Please watch the video in sequence while reading to enjoy the post.

Recently I came across the following old spice ad

It is a nice ad with good humor (many women said that...)

Sesame street came up with its own version. It's a good parody.

If the last line doesn't crack you up. You have no sense of humor. :)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Changing definition of friendship

Somebody described parents as : Parents are friends who will be there always.

It's a lovely sentiment.
But there is also another implication - viz. friends are of two types
1. there for sometime
2. always there.

It perhaps points out to the fast pace of life and short term relations.

I beg to disagree with the above categorization
Despite this I believe friends should be only one type - there always. And for that You should be there always for your friends.
Rest short term relations can be called colleagues.

P.S. No negative implication for being colleagues.