Thursday, April 25, 2013

Child begging

I will admit I am not a very religious person. Hence I don't give alms outside temples. Neither do I wish to shine my fortune through such generous acts. My education has shrunk the scope of religion to action sans customs and rituals.

This post as clearly evident is not on the adult beggars but the young children we encounter on platforms. I have never given money to a beggar but instead edibles I had with me at that time for the selfish reason that money can cause harm as well as good depending on its use but food item precludes the chances of self-harm.

A few days back I happened to notice the look in the child's eye whom I gave him poppins. He pocketed it and moved on. Nothing changed in his expression. It is not that I wanted him to exclaim with happiness but I believe children are more sensitive than adults, who hide their emotions. So they smile, laugh, cry easily.To feel nothing at this age is tragic!

There is a lot more to it than what I see.

P.S> No offence to religious people.

Those generous posts

Recently I came across a post which gave generous tips to share with girls
1. Press all buttons to your floor when in company of a strange male.
2. Pretend to give the number of rickshaw you are sitting in.
So what it means is that in presence of a 'strange' male in lift a girl should panic, act deranged and press all buttons of a lift. Further she should always be defensive about going anywhere.
I came to the following central idea of the above suggestions
"Girls should be on the look out as they cannot defend themselves."
In a male-dominated society like ours male ego feels superior to women and gives charitable suggestion based on the  assumption that women are no match for it.
I guess those who disburse such ideas have not written for what should a boy do in company of strange female at night in lift?

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Software to help you be more productive: Clipboardmonitor

I did not like the drudgery of copying text and then opening file and pasting it. Too much to and fro clicking for a lazy fellow like me ;).

As all computer lovers do : I wrote this small application "Clipboardmonitor". What it does is It  works in background and copies any text you put on clipboard to a text file (.txt) you have selected.
You can quickly access it by right clicking the icon in Notification bar or double clicking the icon to bring the main window from background.

Other features:
  1. You can pause/resume the application by right clicking icon in notification bar and selecting Pause/Resume.
  2. You can manually edit the text in main application window and save the file.
  3. Undo option (from Notification icon) is used to pause the application and restore the last text you copied back to clipboard. (Yeah! that happens when You are multitasking :) ).

Download Here :- Clippy at work

How to run:
Just unzip the file and run Clipboardmonitor.exe

  1. No financial guarantee/warranty on using software But It worked well for me. Hope it helps you too. :)
  2. Since this is an executable file (.exe) Your browser will prompt you first whether you want to run it. I say "Go ahead run it." These are trust issues :)