Saturday, November 3, 2012

Society and rules

"There are no absolute rules.A society decides the rules."

Often what has been forbidden at one time has come to be accepted as common later.
For example: In the land of liberty viz. America For 75 years after independence only land owning white male could vote (a measly 16% of American population)
For nearly a 100 years slavery was legal.

A society is a union of members in their self interest

So what kind of people do we wish to be and What kind of future do we want?
Do we want a society to live in a society based on merit and transparency OR a system with inherent leverage to some, which will affect us and our future.This needs pondering and I believe will create a better future.

 Why for 75 years it happened? :
The law was justified saying "as property owner you actually have a vested stake in the community"
 Why for 100 years slavery happened ? :
It was justified with the argument
"Slavery was good for the slaves; the slave owners took on the burden of caring for the interests of inferior beings, seeing that they would be fed, clothed and given religious instruction. "
Actually slavery provided almost free labour and nearly 60 percent of U.S. exports of this era were cotton.So the lifestyle of the rich was supported on the slavery of the blacks.

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