Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Why do we not love our politicians?

You might be wondering at my naivete to ask such a stupid question, but a survey got me thinking.

Readers digest survey revealed people have utmost respect for army,respect for doctors, engineers. Even sex workers outrank politicians who rank among the least 3 trusted people (along with car salesmen and telemarketers).

Since I had nothing better to do I gave this issue some thought. Let us hear a story:

There is a nice neighborhood fellow. Who offers to help you once with some household work. You thank him and offer to incentivise him but he politely refuses, just asks for your blessings.
You find that the next day, as you are walking to the market. He again offers to help you carry your bags. You again thank him for his help and again try to pay him for help, again he politely refuses and asks for blessings.
This becomes a daily sequence.
After some time you are really irritated by this next door do-gooder-at-no-cost but you still manage a smile and allow him seeing no harm
Some time passes
One fine day you realize some shop items are missing in your bag. You see the previous purchases and find that strangely after the good* guy's help your purchased items don't last as long as they previously did.
To top it all. He shows up at your doorstep smiling, hands folded and reminds you of How he helped you and asks you to vote in his favor for the residential Committee.
You are angry and perplexed (at his gall, after he has swindled you) to still come seeking your support.

Moral of the story: "Beware of people who run favors, Not only does this deny the rightful their share , They will also ask back for much more than the favor itself."

If we replace shop items with public money, do-gooder with corrupt politician.
I guess this is What our politics profession has become! a pack of swindlers claiming to do it all selflessly for our betterment. (Ofcourse it does not apply to all politicians)

Once upon a time we equated politics with a devotion service. Those were dangerous times when being nationalistic was in itself a crime and taking up politics was not a profession but a calling to serve our enslaved nation, But as we have turned to capitalistic society Politics has lagged behind it is still a vocation and not a professional service.
It's time we shifted gears from the 'favor' culture of governance to see politics as a profession of managing public funds Just like we see role of a manager in a corporation.


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