Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Chronology of CAA Poll

The twitter poll launched by Sudhir Chaudhary purportedly to get real opinion of India saw a few twists and turns

As our beloved leader said - "Aap chronology samajhiye". So I tried to understand chronology of the poll and found it quite interesting to share.

On day 1 for first few hours - there was more support for CAA probably due to Sudhir Chaudhary (who has pro government bent) starting the poll So naturally his followers would be among the first to see the poll and vote on it .

After few hours twitter user @Nehr_who started to rally opposition for CAA and then the trend changed with 57% votes in opposition of CAA to 43% in support

For the first and second day opposition to CAA maintained its edge consistently with votes in opposition always above 52% and votes in favour below 48%

On the third day opposition to CAA was 52% and support was 48% was maintained for most of the time
Suddenly three and half hours before the poll was scheduled to end  17,161 votes were cast in favor of CAA in a span of just 18 minutes turning the result to in favour of CAA : 50% and opposition to CAA : 50% .

Note : An average of around 2,250 votes casted in 20 minutes was found compared to sudden burst of votes This indicates 7.5 times more than normal rate of votes were casted and 99.1% in favour of CAA during the given 20 minutes.

This was noticed by other twitter users as well. (provided screenshots in link) This prompted many users in opposition rallying their supporters to get more votes in opposition.

For next few hours it seemed despite overall trend for past 3 days being against CAA in poll - result would be in favour: 52% and opposition: 48%.

But the sudden lead could not be sustained and final result was 50.4% in opposition to CAA and votes in favour trailing at 49.6%

In summary majority of twitter users remain opposed to CAA throughout the poll and the final result was in line with majority trend for the 3 days.

TimeDurationVotesCasted votes in favourCasted votes % in opposition
2:29 to 2:4920 minutes2,25248%52%
2:49 to 3:3545 minutes517648%52%
3:35 to 3:5318 minutes1716199.1%0.9%

Link to download screen shots


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