Saturday, December 31, 2016

My app stopped working after upgrading my studio

So my app which was working fine a few days ago stopped working today

I figured out the reason was  - I had upgraded my phone and android studio during the days. If you are targetting sdk version 23 It will not show which permissions are required at the time of installation. And permissions had to be checked at run time if not available then you should write code to ask for permission.

If you don't want to do implement the new system yet then you can reduce your target sdk version to 22 to get the old permission system. You can still compile with sdk version 23 though.
See the documentation for more information.
I changed build.gradle (module app) settings to target sdk version from 23 to 22
And the app mentions the permission at the time of installation and runs file.
Let me know if this helped. you. Happy coding! :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Why do our jeans have little pockets?

Why does this little pocket exist?

It is too small to hold change, in fact difficult to get out coins if you put coins in it. Then why?

It is a remnant of the times when jeans were created. Back in the 1800s, cowboys used to wear their watches on chains and kept them in their waistcosts. To keep them from getting broken, Levis introduced this small pocket where they could keep their watch.

So the cowboy would pull out the watch through the chain. What's the good time, Sir?
And we thought cowboys only pulled out guns. :P

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Twitter account got hacked

हम फ़कीर नहीं हैं कि झोला लेकर चल देंगे !!
मेरे हमसफ़र दोस्तों….
किसी को मेरे ईमेल और फोन में क्या दिलचस्पी हो सकती है वो हैक करने की योजना बनाएगा। शनिवार की मध्यरात्रि मेरी वरिष्ठ सहयोगी बरखा दत्त का ईमेल हैक कर लिया गया। उनका ट्वीटर अकाउंट भी हैक हुआ। उसके कुछ देर बाद मेरा ट्वीटर अकाउंट हैक कर लिया गया। उससे अनाप शनाप बातें लिखीं गईं। जब मैंने एक साल से ट्वीट करना बंद कर दिया है तब भी उसका इतना ख़ौफ़ है कि कुछ उत्पाति नियमित रूप से गालियां देते रहते हैं। ये सब करने में काफी मेहनत लगती है। एक पूरा ढांचा खड़ा किया जाता होगा जिसके अपने ख़र्चे भी होते होंगे। ढाई साल की इनकी मेहनत बेकार गई है मगर उस डर का क्या करें जो मेरा नाम सुनते ही इनके दिलों दिमाग़ में कंपकपी पैदा कर देता है। ज़रूर कोई बड़ा आदमी कांपता होगा फिर वो किसी किराये के आदमी को कहता होगा कि देखता नहीं मैं कांप रहा हूं। जल्दी जाकर उसके ट्वीटर हैंडल पर गाली दो। दोस्तों, जो अकाउंट हैक हुआ है उस पर मेरा लिखा तो कम है, उन्हीं की बदज़ुबान और बदख़्याल बातें वहां हैं। मैं चाहता हूं कि वे मुझसे न डरें बल्कि मेरा लिखा हुआ पढ़ें।
मेरी निजता भंग हुई है। मेरा भी ईमेल हैक हुआ है। बरखा दत्त की भी निजता भंग हुई है। मैं सिर्फ रवीश कुमार नहीं हूं। एक पत्रकार भी हूं। कोई हमारे ईमेल में दिलचस्पी क्यों ले रहा है। क्या हमें डराने के लिए? आप बिल्कुल ग़लत समझ रहे हैं। ये आपको याद दिलाया जा रहा है कि जब हम इन लोगों के साथ ऐसा कर सकते हैं तो आपके साथ क्या करेंगे याद रखना। पत्रकारों को जो भी ताकतें डराती हैं दरअसल वो जनता को डराती हैं। अगर हमारी निजता और स्वतंत्रता का सवाल आपके लिए महत्वपूर्ण नहीं है तो याद रखियेगा एक दिन आपकी भी बारी आने वाली है। जिस लोकतंत्र में डर बैठ जाए या डरने को व्यापक मंज़ूरी मिलने लगे वो एक दिन ढह जाएगा। आपका फर्ज़ बनता है कि इसके ख़िलाफ़ बोलिये। डरपोकों की बारात बन गई है जो किसी मुख्यालयों के पीछे के कमरे में बैठकर ये सब काम करते हैं। अभी तो पता नहीं है कि किसकी हरकत है। जब राहुल गांधी के बारे में ठोस रूप से पता नहीं चल सका तो हम लोगों को कौन पूछ रहा है। आख़िर वो कौन लोग हैं, उन्हें किसका समर्थन प्राप्त है जो लगातार हमारे ट्वीटर अकाउंट पर आकर गालियां बकते हैं। अफवाहें फैलाते हैं। आपको बिल्कुल पता करना चाहिए कि क्या यह काम कोई राजनीतिक पार्टी करती है। ऐसा काम करने वाले क्या किसी राजनीतिक दल के समर्थक हैं। पता कीजिए वर्ना आपका ही पता नहीं चलेगा।
आप सोचिये कि आपका पासवर्ड कोई चुरा ले। आपके ईमेल में जाकर ताक झांक करे तो क्या आपको ठीक लगेगा। क्या आप ऐसी साइबर और राजनीतिक संस्कृति चाहेंगे? आपका जवाब हां में होगा तो एक दिन आपके साथ भी यही होगा। हैकरों ने बता दिया है कि भारत साइबर सुरक्षा के मामले में कमज़ोर है। हैकिंग पूरी दुनिया में होती है लेकिन यहां की पुलिस भी इसके तार को जोड़ने में अक्षम रहती है। साइबर सुरक्षा के नाम पर अभी तक दो चार चिरकुट किस्म के नेताओं के ख़िलाफ़ लिखने वालों को ही पकड़ सकी है। वो नेता चिरकुट ही होता है जो अपने ख़िलाफ़ लिखी गई बातों के लिए किसी को अरेस्ट कराता है या अरेस्ट करने की संस्कृति को मौन सहमति देता है। जब हम लोगों के अकाउंट हैक किये जा सकते है तो ज़रूरत है कि लोगों को बेहतर तरीके साइबर सुरक्षा के मामले में जागरूक किया जाए। गांव देहात के लोगों के साथ ऐसा हुआ तो उन पर क्या बीतेगी। हमारा तो लिखा हुआ लुटा है, अगर ग़रीब जनता की कमाई लुट गई तो मीडिया ही नहीं जाएगा। ज़्यादा से ज्यादा किसी रद्दी अख़बार के कोने में छप जाएगा जिसके पहले पन्ने पर सरकार का ज़रूरत से ज़्यादा गुणगान छपा होगा।
मैं ढाई साल से इस आनलाइन सियासी गुंडागर्दी के बारे में लिख रहा हूं। आख़िर वे कितने नकारे हो सकते हैं जो किसी का ईमेल हैक होने पर खुशी ज़ाहिर कर रहे हैं। क्या अब हमारी राजनीति और फोकटिया नेता ऐसे ही समर्थकों के दम पर घुड़की मारेंगे। ये जिस भी दल के समर्थक या सहयोगी है उसके नेताओं को चाहिए कि अपने इन बीमार सपोर्टरों को डाक्टर के पास ले जाएं। इनकी ठीक से क्लास भी लें कि ये ढाई साल से मेरे पीछे मेहनत कर रहे हैं और कुछ न कर पाये। अगर किसी नेता को दिक्कत है तो ख़द से बोले न, ठाकुर की फौज बनाकर क्यों ये सब काम हो रहा है। अगर इतना ही डर हो गया है तो छोड़ देंगे। लिखा तो है कि अब छोड़ दूंगा। ऐश कीजिए। चौराहे पर चार हीरो खड़ा करके ये सब काम करने वाले इतिहास के दौर में हमेशा से रहे हैं। इसलिए भारतीय साहित्य संस्कृति में चौराहा बदमाश लंपटों के अड्डों के रूप में जाना जाता है। हमारी भोजपुरी में कहते है कि लफुआ ह, दिन भर चौक पर रहेला। ज़ाहिर है अकाउंट हैक होने पर इन जश्न मनाने वाले लोगों के बारे में सोच कर मन उदास हुआ है।ये घर से तो निकलते होंगे मां बाप को बता कर कि देश के काम में लगे नेताओं का काम करने जा रहे हैं। लेकिन वहां पहुंच कर ये गाली गलौज का काम करते हैं। आई टी सेल गुंडो का अड्डा है। दो चार शरीफों को रखकर बाकी काम यही सब होता है। लड़कियां ऐसे लड़कों से सतर्क रहें। इनसे दोस्ती तो दूर परिचय तक मत रखना। वो लोग भी बीमार हैं जो ऐसे लोगों का समर्थन करते हैं।
तो दो बाते हैं। एक तो किसी का भी अकाउंट हैक हो सकता है। हैक करने वाला अक्सर दूर देश में भी बैठा हो सकता है। आई टी सेल इस तरह का काम करने वालों को ठेका भी दे सकता है. आपको ताज़िंदगी मालूम न चलेगा। मैं तो यह भी सोच कर हैरान हूं कि आख़िर वो कौन लोग होंगे जो बरखा दत्त का ईमेल पढ़ना चाहेंगे। मेरा ईमेल पढ़ना चाहेंगे। अगर इतनी ही दिलचस्पी है तो घर आ जाइये। कुछ पुराने कपड़े हैं, धोने के लिए दे देता हूं। जाने दीजिए, समाज में ऐसे लोग हमेशा मिलेंगे लेकिन आप जो खुद को चिंतनशील नागरिक समझते हैं, इस बात को ठीक से समझिये। हमारे बाहने आपको डराया जा रहा है। हमारा क्या है। फिर से नया लिख लेंगे। आप नहीं पढ़ेंगे तो भी लिख लेंगे। हम फ़कीर नहीं हैं कि झोला लेकर चल देंगे। हम लकीर हैं। जहां खींच जाते हैं और जहां खींच देते हैं वहां गहरे निशान पड़ जाते हैं। सदियों तक उसके निशान रहेंगे। मैं किसी के बोलने देने का इंतज़ार नहीं करता हूं। जो बोलना होता है बोल देता हूं। कुलमिलाकर निंदा करते हैं और जो भी भीतर भीतर गुदगुदा रहे हैं उन्हें बता देते हैं कि आप एक बेहद ख़तरनाक दौर में रह रहे हैं। आपके बच्चे इससे भी ख़तरनाक दौर में रहेंगे। पासवर्ड ही नहीं, राजनीतिक निष्ठा भी बदलते रहिए। साइबर और सियासत में सुरक्षित रहने के लिए आप इतना ही कर सकते हैं। इतना कर लीजिए।

Friday, December 9, 2016

UPI - A step in right direction

UPI (Unified Payment Interface) is a good answer to reducing cost of cashless transactions. Currently it is free.

It is a government enterprise - National Payments Corporation of India directly in tie ups with Banks. Hence expected to keep the charges, when levied in future to be very less compared to 2% charged by credit card companies.

Following banks have released UPI apps

South Indian Bank
Union Bank of India
United Bank of India
Axis Bank
Karnataka Bank
Vijaya Bank
Punjab National Bank
Federal Bank
Bank of Maharashtra
Thane Janta Sahkari Bank
Catholic Syrian Bank
UCO Bank
Andhra Bank
Canara Bank

So If you have an account with any of the above banks. Download the android app for your bank and register using your mobile number or id you prefer. It is free to transact using UPI at present cheaper than NEFT. :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Upgrading Android Studio but getting errors

Error:CreateProcess error=216, This version of %1 is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information and then contact the software publisher

Go to
File -> Project Structure ->  SDK Location

As you can see The SDK is still taking old jdk location
Navigate to JDK folder 1.8 or more (in my case C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_111)

Click OK. This should solve the problem. Hope this helps :)

Monday, December 5, 2016

Hangouts not receiving notifications on Redmi Note 3

Go to Settings > Battery > Manage apps battery usage> Choose apps> Hangouts

Change from 'MIUIBattery saver' to 'No restrictions'

Your hangouts should start being able to deliver and receive messages even on 2G network. Hope this helps you. :)

Friday, December 2, 2016

Ensuring customizable text in toast - Android coding

So you want to write an app that can be used in different languages

So every text in the app needs to be customizable to the language

Say you are creating a toast, You don't want to programatically hardcode the text else it won't customize
here is a simple function that allows you to keep the text in strings.xml and create a toast
sampletext is the name of string defined in strings.xml

    <string name="sampletext">Hello, person</string>

Your activity

Define a separate function in your activity
public static void ToastMemoryShort (Context context) {

    Toast.makeText(context, context.getString(R.string.sampletext), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Just call this function in your activity where required using the following


Hope this helped you. Let me know :)

Understanding Title bar in Android - When useful when not

I did not find any explanation hence putting this together

Title Bar refers to the top band which shows the app name.
For home launchers it is not required. So always select a theme which has NoTitleBar in it.


This will give you a clean page with wallpaper.

For normal apps : Title Bar is useful as it informs the user which app he is using.

Theme.Wallpaper.NoTitleBar,FullScreen : This will give you a page which does not have the top bar.

Error building your first project - Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

If you got
Error:java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/android/dx/command/Main : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

Solution is
Go to File -> Project Structure -> App  ->  Build Tool Version. Change it to 23.0.3

Cause of error:
You are using java version 7 and for some reason do not want to upgrade to java 8 yet.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Demonetisation status

8.5 lac crore already submitted to banks by people of 14.5 lac crores demonetised. Adding cash held by banks and government agencies (25% of circulated money) can bring down the black money remaining in system to 20%.

So demonetisation seems not to be yielding the results govt. expected. Black money holders have found a way to deposit their money back in system.

Although demonetisation was a good move but The fact remains that govt. is not spending efforts in making cashless transactions cheap and getting people interested in it.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

How to create a system image in windows 10

As windows 10 crashes and is not able to repair itself leaving only 1 option
1. Reinstall windows 10 which removes all installed programs and settings

To overcome this issue, I decided to create a system image and here is how you can create one so the next time your pc crashes just restore it to original state by going into advanced option and using system image for recovery

How to create a system image in windows 10

Step 1 : Go to control panel
Step 2  Select file history (View by small icons)

Step 3: You will see a small icon system image backup in the below corner. Click it.

Step 4 : Select create a system image option from the left panel

Step 5  From the dropdown Select the location where you want to save the backup image and click Next

Step 6: Click start backup. It will start backing up. It will take time (Took 30 minutes for me consuming 34 GB space)

Hope this tutorial helped you in backing up your system image on windows 10. Do comment. :)

Saturday, November 26, 2016

How to save windows games

Some windows games such as Gears of war demand that you have a profile to save the game

There are two possible profiles you can create
1. Local profile
2. Online profile

If you want to just play the game locally and not get into entering game serials/ playing online. The easiest way is to create a local profile

Just click create a local profile link on the page shown by Games for windows marketplace client during game play. (usually Second page on creating profile)

Tried it on Gears of War

Happy gaming! :)

Ordinal not found

So I got the following error

The error occurs due to Games for windows client not being up to date for your system.

Download and install the latest Games for windows client from (link provided below)

You should not get the error after installing.

Happy gaming!

d3dx10_35.dll is missing - Solution

Are you getting the following error

d3dx10_35.dll is missing

The basic idea is d3dx... dll is missing
This means your direct x needs to be updated. Visit the below link to update your direct x

Once you download direct x stub from windows website and run it. It will update your directx component (It will take some time) and you won't get the error on launching the game again.

By the way I was trying Gears of war when I encountered this error. :)


Sunday, November 20, 2016

How do you decide if black money is reduced in system

 Political campaigns are one of the biggest beneficiaries of black money

A helicopter ride for an hour is charged in the range of 50,000 to 2 lac rupees per hour
The limit on expenditure by a candidate by election commission of india is 10  lac rupees for Vidhansabha lections and25 lac for Loksabha elections. For smaller states it is still lower than that.

Hence all helicopter rides are paid in cash. Now if the demonetisation has rendered black money unusable, You should see your beloved leaders traveling less on helicopters, spending less on campaigns. If this doesn't happen, then you know.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Unable to start the daemon process

I got the following error in trying to build my project on Android

Error:Unable to start the daemon process.
This problem might be caused by incorrect configuration of the daemon.
The following resolved the problem

Step 1 : Close the open project. Go to File > Close Project

This will throw you to welcome screen.

Step 2 You will see Settings option on splash screen. Click it

This will open  the Settings window.

Step 3: Go to Compiler > Android Compilers
Add  -Xmx512m in Additional VM Options as shown below.

Step 4: Click OK. Reopen the project and build it. It should work fine.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Analysing money in Banking System over the past few months

This analysis is based on Money and Stock Measures Report provided by RBI on a monthly basis (links provided at the end)

Money in Banking System
 In Billion Rupees
Change over previous month (in Billion Rupees)


Investigation shows the banking system (consisting of Deposit money of public, Time Deposits with Banks and Total Post Office Deposits) has received nearly 10 times more money amounting to 5205 billion or 5.2 Lac crores in September 2016 as compared to previous month.

Possible Explanations

1. Is this an annual pattern?

Possible Explanation : May be every year due to financial activity money in banking system goes up.
Conclusion: Doing the same analysis for last year data does not support this explanation.The deposit was only 386.1 Bn INR last year in September.

Money in Banking System
 In Billion Rupees
Change over previous month (in Billion Rupees)

2. Is this due to hike by pay commission?

Possible Explanation: May be the increase is due to arrears deposited by government due to hike by pay commission.
Conclusion: The deposit by government for arrears amount is estimated at 34,600 crores (as estimated by India Ratings and Research Private Limited). So even this explanation cannot explain the complete deposit increase.

Source :

How this calculation was done

RBI provides monthly report on the following parameters of money system

1. Currency with the public (which in simple terms is the cash You and I transact with)
2. Deposit money of the public
3. Time Deposits with Banks
4. Total Post Office Deposits

I have arrived at money in Banking system using following formula
= Total Post Office Deposits + Time Deposits with Banks + Deposit money of the public - Currency with the public

In short add all deposits with Bank and post office and subtract currency with public.

Source :
Refer Section 6. Money and Stock Measures pdf report for month of July, August, September, October, November 2016.

Android Studio Not Starting jvm error code -4

So the other day I got the following message when I tried to launch Android Studio

failed to create jvm error code -4 JVM Path: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\jre If you already have a 32-bit JDK installed, define a JAVA_HOME variable in 


Go to the file studio.exe.vmoptions in your bin folder inside android studio installation (Usually it isC:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\bin\)
Open the above file with notepad. some times it will not be editable so give administrative permission and change the following attributes:
-Xmx512m to -Xmx256m
-XX:MaxPermSize=250m to -XX:MaxPermSize=128m
Or change:
-Xmx750m to -Xmx512m
-XX:MaxPermSize=350m to -XX:MaxPermSize=250m

I don't know the reason of why it works (would be glad if somebody could)
Source :

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Refer and earn

Use this to get 100 rupees for signing up on Amazon


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Which phone to buy?

It is often confusing to decide which phone to buy
Do you have to necessarily buy an expensive iphone to get a good experience Or Is there a phone in market which does not skimp on any feature and still reasonably priced. Good news is there is.

I am a normal user of phone : I use it to call, whatsapp, hangout, click photos of places I visit, play some games when free (necessarily in that order)

I found Redmi Note 3 (32 GB inbuilt memory, 3 GB RAM) to be a superb phone
1. Good battery backup
It always lasts me 2 days or more in 3G mode due to it's huge battery capacity 4000mAh.
Even more when I turn on 3G mode only when I want to surf the web on my phone. (Disclosure: At home I use Wifi to surf, cheap and fast. :) )

2. Smooth operation
The phone works smoothly (Thanks to latest Qualcomm MSM8956 Snapdragon 650 chipset clocking 2*1.8 GHz cores and 4*1.4 GHz cores). I have previously owned a Blackberry which had 2*1.2 GHz processor. So I am sure I have felt the difference between the 2 processors (I loved my Blackberry phone too just not for its okay processor).

3. Good camera
The camera pics are good. I take pics of places I visit and occasional selfie with people (people are weird! :P)
Unless you are a budding photographer who needs to shoot photos as good as DSLR camera the camera is good. If the main purpose of your phone is the camera, I would recommend buying a Nikon Camera instead of spending a bomb on buying a phone.

4. SD Card support
It is a deal breaker for me while purchasing a phone if it does not support sd card - what with my ever increasing movies and music library that comes in handy when you are travelling. Redmi note 3 supports sd card upto 256 GB along with 28 GB of phone memory available (1 sim slot, 1 sd card Or 2 sim cards if you wish to use dual sim and sacrifice sd card slot)

Currently it is available at Amazon for 11k due to festival discount offer (I bought it a month ago for 12k from Mi store but no problem :) ) If you want to buy, Please click the below link. It will take you to Amazon page where Redmi note 3 (32 GB inbuilt memory, 3 GB Ram) is available for 11k.

Hope this review helped you in making a decision on phone. Comments are welcome.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Washing machine Llyod LWMF70

Good company
Reasonable price
Front loading machine


Why wait?
Click below and buy

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Professional : Unable to see new proposed time in Google Calendar on Desktop browser

So You set up a meeting and someone has proposed a new time (At least that's what the email says) but you don't see the new time on your desktop browser.

Below is the solution to problem
1: View the mail with proposed new time in Gmail app on mobile phone
2: View the mail with proposed new time in Gmail Offline app:

Thanks! to @Jesper Brunholm who mentioned the avbove workarounds on!msg/calendar/YOu01PF2KPw/DgAEVoy2CgAJ

Friday, August 5, 2016

Recharge Offer for existing/ old users

Sites do not specifically mention recharge offers for us poor old/existing users.

This was found valid for today 6 August 2016

Offer: Freecharge is giving 4% Cashback on adding money to wallet. Cashback is limited upto 100 Rupees.
Promo Code: 4WFC

Hope this helps. I did a recharge today, 6th August 2016. Today it worked can't say about other days.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Sometimes life is extremely unsatisfying.
The only way - Keep on working

It is okay to have nothing
It's a tragedy to do nothing

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Is your laptop keyboard misbehaving? If Yes, Read on

Recently my Asus laptop keyboard started typing stuff on its own (Not that I had been tutoring it).
So the only way to use my laptop was to

1. Manually disconnect the keyboard from computer
2. Disable the keyboard in windows

Step 1 involved opening my laptop using screw drivers which was a difficult task for me.

So I disabled my keyboard in windows. Here is how.

Important Note: Before starting make sure that You have a separate USB keyboard connected to your laptop So that you

I opened Device Manager
(Right click My computer icon and select Properties. There is a link on left to open Device Manager.)
Select Keyboard option and right click PS2 keyboard.
Now select update Driver Software.
Select 'Browse my computer for driver software'.
Now select 'Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer'
Now uncheck Show compatible drivers option.
Now select a company other than your Laptop manufacturer and unusual layout (Toshiba keyboard with 109 keyboard did the trick for me.)
Click Next.
Agree to the warning that your keyboard might stop working.
Install the driver and after restarting the laptop. Your misbehaving keyboard is disabled.

Places to visit in Thane, Mumbai

I was looking for beautiful places to visit in Mumbai. Some I found in Thane are

1. Kopineshwar Temple in Thane
This temple has a huge Shivling and lots of pigeons in the backyard.
Note: Be sure to carry some grains if you want to feed the pigeons in backyard.

Directions: Exit from the Thane station west side and walk straight through the Thane market for 1 km. You will see the temple on your left.

2. Talao Pali or Masunda lake
This is a lake just behind the Kopineshwar temple. It's a good place to sit and enjoy the lake.
There is boating also available.

3. Upvan Lake
This is a beautiful lake around 6 km from Railway station. You can either take an auto or bus from station to reach Upvan lake.
The lake waters is clean and you can walk around the lake to enjoy the beautiful view of Mumbai and the lake.