Saturday, December 21, 2013

Our voting preferences

We choose the party we would vote for and then come up with reasons why we vote for this party rather than other way round. 

We are immensely smart that way. After all defending a choice based on one factor (Hint:'Modi', 'Gandhi') as if it has been arrived by careful consideration of several factors  is the pinnacle of debating skills But In the End
"A fool who believes he is smart is still a fool." 

Hint: Before voting I find more about local candidate than relying on who the PM will be
1. Local candidate is not a convicted criminal 
2. Is there Quantitative logic and not just only 'promise we will do better than them' 
3. He is not pursuing populist policy just for the sake of votes.

Some people take exception to rich people contesting elections and winning. Sure!

We like our leaders to be poor (preferably much poorer than us) and in politics just for doing 'sewa' of the country. No wonder they claim to do only 'sewa' and eat all the 'mewa'.
(Why do we not like rich candidates? I think it has got to do with our insecurities. We ascribe 'power' with being elected. So if a candidate is rich and gets elected he becomes 'powerful' too. No! no! he gotta be 'poor' and 'powerful' - and We will be 'rich' and 'powerless'. This 'balance' brings peace to our little minds.)

I would rather vote for a good candidate who says he is in politics and sees it like any other job to be done well. 

P.S. Have a look at the ads, if they serve you. It helps me too.Thanks!

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