Monday, November 18, 2013

Elections: Whom to vote for - Party or Individual?

"The institution is only as strong as the person who mans it"

It means execution is everything. So even if you made the best policies (example our constitution is the largest document for policy making) but had poor executives (example our beloved politicians) You would not be able to get desired result (Need I give an example on India?)

I am against voting for a party because However good the intentions of party are if individual is not good. You cannot hope to get desired result. (ex. Recently our beloved politicians despite parties being fiercely opposed to corruption tried to pass an ordinance allowing convicted politicians to contest elections)

While if you vote for a good individual. Despite no broad policy (like a party) he will use his intelligence to make decisions and they will be better than others toeing the party line (ex. Lokpal is not passed. Need I say more?)

Let me know

P.S. Have a look at the ads, if they serve you. It helps me too.Thanks!

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