Sunday, October 20, 2013

Enjoying music

In our fast lives there is little time to appreciate small things such as admiring the twittering of birds in morning, enjoying the shade of a tree in afternoon, appreciating the mellifluous notes of song. I know, of course we have got our iphones, ipods to enjoy the music at any time but I fear, many a times It is just a way to while away time in a metro without being able to really appreciate the art of a musician

I know there are lesser songs which we can call artistic to admire among today's cookie cutter music, which brings me to my next point.
Have you ever done this:- Sit back, relax with no voice in the room except the wafting melody of a classic song and flowing with the feeling the singer invokes.

If you have You know the feeling.
If you haven't Try it sometime. :)

Here is an english classic song You can try: 'Heart of gold' by Neil Young

For hindi there are many
One of my favourites being : Ajeeb Dastaan hain yeh

If you would like, Share the song you enjoyed :)

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