So while installing I did not pay special attention when Wamp Server asked for default installation As a result when I run the wamp server
It shows error "Default browser not configured"
To get rid of the error do the following
Step 1: Exit the wamp server if it is running. We are going to modify configuration file to help wamp server get the browser it needs.
Step 2: Open wamp server installation directory (by default it is C:\wamp64 for wamp 64 bit server but if you changed the location then you know)
Step 3:
Open wampmanager.conf using notepad
Edit the line having navigator ="C:/Program Files (x86)/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe"
Note the / used in giving location of folders
Now replace the location with browser execution file
I wanted to use google chrome so I set it up as : C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe
Step 4 : Save the file.
Now start the wamp server again.
Tada! Error goes away.