Monday, July 28, 2014

Movie: The Mechanic (2011)

For all the action buffs : It has Jason Statham So we know what to expect. And he doesn't disappoint here.
If you have seen "3:10 to Yuma", You know Ben Foster. The role of Harry's son was made for Ben Foster. Even if you haven't seen it, no worries. :)

Arthur is a hitman, providing services under the term mechanic, to fix things. Harry (Donald Sutherland) is his mentor. As always a rule in action movies: You don't tell what happens. You watch!

The pace of movie is good. Great action flick with great acting from all actors and actress. Watch it if you want to enjoy an action flick.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

History should be based on evidence or belief?

The new Chairman of ICHR has a deep faith in Ramayana and Mahabharata and that's great. But where I disagree with him is :
"The writing of history cannot depend only on archaeological evidence. We have to depend on folklore too."

History should be based on evidence not on hearsay.

 I am sure, many from my generation sat in front of TV every sunday to see Mahabharata and Shree Krishna on Doordarshan.If he feels strongly about learning from Mahabharata and Ramayana, Introduce it as optional learning. There was Catechism subject at St. Paul's H.S. School alternatively with moral science.

But I am not for modifying text on the basis of folklore. Next Harry Potter may become the new God!


Friday, July 25, 2014

That mushy feeling

Being a single guy, I have always wondered what it's like to committed.
I have seen committed people talking hours with each other and the inane conversations including what you had for dinner?
And frankly as the kind of person who doesn't remember what he wore yesterday I got irritated at such conversations.

With time I have developed two things
1. More patience for such conversations :P

2. and the understanding that there are two feelings at the core of our existence, which the mind knowingly or unknowingly pursues
a. To be pampered (Obviously!)
b. To have someone to pamper. (Yup! We all need one)
 That's one of the reason for looking for love.

It is an equal pleasure to get pampered as it is to pamper someone. See for yourself! :)

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Mad or not

You must be mad going against, when everybody is following it.
May be, You are right But I have my reasons. I would be madder, if I did something I didn't want to do.